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Welcome to the Wagtail User Guide!
If you’re here, you probably already know that Wagtail is an open-source Content Management System (CMS) created by Torchbox and supported by an international core team of developers. Wagtail is a popular CMS for many websites because it's scalable and highly customizable.
This guide is a collection of tutorials, how-to guides, reference guides, and explanations of concepts that help you learn how to manage content on a standard Wagtail website. If you’re an editor, administrator, or general user of Wagtail, this guide is for you. If you’re a developer, you might find the developer documentation more useful.
If you're totally new to Wagtail, it is best that you read through this User Guide in sequence. Otherwise, you can click through the different categories in this User Guide to learn more about the different aspects of the Wagtail Admin interface.
The Wagtail demo site
The examples in this guide use the bakerydemo demo website as a sample website. However, the instructions are general enough to be applicable to any Wagtail website.
This documentation uses the URL www.example.com to represent the root or homepage of your website.
Log in to the admin interface
Editors start by logging into the admin interface. You can access the login page, by appending /admin to the end of your root URL. For example, www.example.com/admin. On the login page, enter your username and password and click Sign in.